SuperFood Bowl Mask Set


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Our SuperFood Bowl Mask Set contains a special mixture of the best superfood masks that are guaranteed to replenish, hydrate and boost tired skin!

*I’m Cactus Sheet Mask – 1000 ppm of natural prickly pear
extract calms, soothes, purifies, and hydrates the skin,
leaving a clear and healthy complexion.
*I’m Honey Sheet Mask – Honey infused water-type essence
provides hydration and nourishment for glowing skin.
*I’m Green Tea Sheet Mask – Green tea essence
refreshes, brightens, and purifies the skin.
*I’m Aloe Sheet Mask – Aloe extract & water based essence
provides maximum hydration for skin.
*I’m Peach Sheet Mask – Natural Peach extract revives dull
skin for a healthy complexion.
*I’m Coconut Sheet Mask – Vitamin E and Coconut Extract
removes dirt and revitalizes the skin.


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