The Dirt, Bamboo Toothbrush with Charcoal Bristles, 1 Adult Toothbrush



*With Charcoal Bristles
*Vegan & Cruelty Free
*BPA Free
*Anti Bacterial
*Clean Teeth Naturally
*Hand Made From Biodegradable Bamboo
*Plastic is Whack, Bamboo is Better!
*Fishies Rejoice!

-Did you know over 4.7 billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown in the trash every single year?!

It takes a single plastic toothbrush over 1,000 years to decompose. Our bamboo handle and nylon #4 bristles should break down in less than 3 years

By switching to bamboo you are making the eco-friendly choice to reduce plastic waste and save our oceans.


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